

Page history last edited by Michele 16 years, 3 months ago

Enginnering Lesson Plans and Resources

Engineering Lesson Plans from Teacher's Domain--tied to academic standards. Free registration required.


Hands-on Engineering Activities


PowerUp--A planet in near ecological ruin, where three missions to supply solar, wind, and water power must be solved before sandstorms, floods, or SmogGobs thwart the rescue. This is an excellent three-dimensional virtual game designed by IBM to engage students in learning about engineering, energy, and diversity awareness. Teacher lesson plans and outstanding videos on careers in engineering are featured.


Engineering Works--This Texas A&M Engineering site is the home to weekly exploration of current, practical, and innovative applications of engineering such as heart failure and levees.  Each topic contains a photo, a text description, and an audio option.  You may sign up for free pod-casts, email notification, and search the archives for topics.


Discover Engineering--includes activities and videos


Try Engineering Lesson Plans


An Interactive Journey through Extreme Engineering Projects


Engineering Projects from the Center for Innovation and Engineering


Engineering Project Ideas


Engineering Tutorials


How Products are Made--explains and details the manufacturing process of a wide variety of products, from daily household items to complicated electronic equipment and heavy machinery. The site provides step by step descriptions of the assembly and the manufacturing process (complemented with illustrations and diagrams)



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